20 definitions by jiggysaw17

The one cigarette that is flipped upside down inside of a pack of cigarettes. Smokers usually smoke this cigarette last, for good luck.
"Yo man, can I bum a cig from you?"
"Hold up, let me flip a lucky stick first."
by jiggysaw17 October 6, 2018
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It's when you like fish
"Excuse me, can I tell you something very important."
"Uh, sure."
"I like fish"
by jiggysaw17 May 8, 2020
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Another word for Reaganomics but we all know it's RIGGED, also known as trickled-down economics and voodoo economics. Bueller? This was the economic policies of President Ronald Reagan in the 1980's which basically means give more money to rich people and corporations and then everyone will prosper. Bullshit! The minimum wage in 1981 was $3.35 per hour, adjusted to inflation would mean $10 per hour in 2020. Sounds good right? WRONG! Since Reagan's two term presidency, the minimum wage only went up 45 cents, while the cost of living went up....because by 1990, the minimum wage was ONLY $3.80 per hour, adjusted to inflation would ONLY be $7.75 per hour.......which means the minimum wage hasn't changed in the past 30 years! Right now, the national minimum wage in 2020 is only $7.25! This is why 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck in America while rich ASSHOLES in Wall Street and the top 1% are getting richer and richer.....This is why America is the ONLY 1st world developed country with NO free universal healthcare....because corrupt politicians use our tax money to benefit only rich people!
"Have you heard of Reaganomics?"
"No, but I've heard of Riganomics, which is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."
by jiggysaw17 November 8, 2020
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It can mean fuck or bullshit
"I don't give a donkeyshit about your opinions, buddy."

"Oh hell no, this is donkeyshit!"
by jiggysaw17 August 27, 2020
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Republicans or conservatives who worship Donald Trump. The term MAGA (Make America Great Again) itself is a social campaign much like China's Great Leap Forward and instead of making America great, they made it into a shit show further dividing the country with hate and foolishness by believing anything Trump says.
"The MAGA republicans don't realize that they are in a cult movement and would drink the poison kool-aid if Donald Trump told them to."
by jiggysaw17 September 2, 2022
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A board game by snoozyman that uses chess pieces to play Tic Tac Toe to make three in a row.
"Let's play Tic Tac Chess."
by jiggysaw17 January 8, 2021
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