25 definitions by improviduto

The performative act of cutting off both of one's own ears. It is often used as an exaggerative phrase expressing one's desire to not want to listen to something.
I'd rather double van gogh myself than listen to that crap.
by improviduto January 16, 2006
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Short for "pickups" in guitar lingo. One pickup is a "pup".
I swapped out the stock pups for a pair of '59s.
by improviduto December 4, 2007
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Short for "hilarious". The term is often used by famous stand-up comedy twins Jason and Randy Sklar when commenting on funny events during their TV show Cheap Seats.
The Sklar brothers are hilario.
by improviduto January 18, 2006
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When Oprah withdraws support for your book. It can also mean when Oprah doesn't give or withdraws support for anything.

Etymology: Used on E! Channel's "The Soup" on March 3, 2006 in the "Hollywords" segment. It was in reference to Oprah's withdrawal of support for James Frey's memoir "A Million Little Pieces" after it was revealed that his story was grossly exaggerated and (in parts) fictional.
Getting the noprah automatically ruins your career as a writer. No one crosses Oprah. No one!
by improviduto March 4, 2006
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An alternative to "please reply" in the world of text messaging.
1. Hey, the football game is tonight. Type on it.

2. I can't decide whether or not I should buy this iPod. Type on it.

by improviduto January 29, 2006
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A hormone excreted in the female body that causes a women to want to quit something. The gland is found in the woman's vagina. It is the opposite of adrenaline and is something a guy does not experience due lack of proper biological equipment (i.e. men have balls). It is often used as a reason why women want to quit something before it ends or gets difficult. It is also often used as a reason why women get bored with or fall asleep during sex. It is purely coincidental that it sounds like "quit on me".
Her: "The Bears are winning by 30 points. Why don't the Saints just quit? There's only four minutes left, so it's pretty pointless to keep going."
Him: "That's because the Saints don't have quitamine, unlike you who's ready to just throw in the towel when the going gets tough."

Her: *Yawn*
Him: "Don't quit on me yet! I'm just getting warmed up! Damn you quitamine! Damn you to hell!"
by improviduto January 21, 2007
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To be brainwashed by actress Sharon Stone. The term arose from her constant and unrelenting promotion of the movie Basic Instinct 2. One would think that seeing the film would cure cancer she hyped it so much.
I saw Sharon Stone promoting Basic Instinct 2 on The View, E! News, Regis and Kelly, the Fox News Entertainment report, Entertainment Tonight and about a zillion other shows this week, and I'll tell ya what--I've been stonewashed. I need to see this movie even though I know it's going to be a waste of my 8 dollars. My warning to you is to beware of Sharon Stone.
by improviduto April 1, 2006
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