3 definitions by ikubaru

The indonesian symbol, normally displayed in every office building, classrooms, etc.
its displayed as a bird with its head looking to its right, its wings fully spread as if taking flight. a shield is attached to its chest having 5 symbols on it
by ikubaru May 28, 2005
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japanese fencing. The objective of this sport is to hit the opponent with your sword/sinai (duh). Valid targets are head, hands, waist or torso, and neck. equipments used in kendo: helmet, body armor, gauntlets/gloves, hakama.
shoute iku shoute whena you a swingu! leta youra kiai rerease!

..err ...rawr.. /..\

no nota shoute likea girr. shoute likea RRRAAAAAAAWWRRR!!!

oO "paralyzed"
by ikubaru May 14, 2005
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meaning something that is huge in size. The word Behemoth however came from the islamic arab myth, bahamut, a gigantic fish-like creature.
i have a pet bahamut in my fishtank
by ikubaru June 7, 2005
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