2 definitions by iiidaida


1. (a) weightless state(es) of mind, where time and speed are relative

2. the process(es) of living beyond categories, borders and limitations
. we are about to fall, give a ceiling out of stars so we can feel weightless

. draw a line around all those things you know as reality, leave the somewheres, the somebodies inside and all other things outside. then, erase that line- that’s where notime starts
by iiidaida August 31, 2011
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1. the process(es) of following one’s own feet
the understanding of constant change as the only stability
• readiness to move after one’s own light-paths
2. the state(s) of unrealities

• the erasing of lines of reality for endless possibilities

places as unexpected, unplanned, and random
fall asleep next to me, and you'll always be in your unrealities and your nowheres
by iiidaida July 22, 2011
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