2 definitions by gratatashibe
A city in Oregon where a keen stench of rebellion and hipster fills the air. Everyone hates everyone and you only fit in if you are homeless, beautiful, or own stock in Nike. The population of white girls increases at such a rapid rate that a Starbucks must be opened at every corner in order to prevent famine. No one knows if pot is legal or not but every 80 year old with "glaucoma" smokes it. The people of Portland also have their own dictionary that consists of: Yeah, Naw, Dope, Huh, and "No, it's too mainstream..." Pack some form of self defense as your current view of what's cool may be stolen and gang raped.
by gratatashibe May 18, 2014
A popular song by the experimental hip-hop duo Death Grips. Not to be confused by the faster-than-light-particle known as a Tachyon.
by gratatashibe January 21, 2017