9 definitions by glum68

Usually rich or upper middle class white women. Married to husbands that have no role in raising their children and leave that to them. They tend to drive mini vans or large SUVS. They have no other role then to drive kids to private school, soccer practice, violen lessons, drama class, yoga for kids, summer camp and the mall. They can be easily spoted with the "my kid is honor student" bumper sticker and four kids jumping around. Mother is always on the cell phone and in the process cuts people off.

They are loud and annoying at games because they think they know more than the coach.
Soccer Mom - Why isn't my little Kevin playing?

Coach - Because your kid sucks at soccer

Soccer Mom - Kevin is going to be the next David Beckham, you just watch.

Coach - Whatever bitch, step off of the field.
by glum68 August 12, 2008
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Self absorbed pompous, selfish, spoiled and morally corrupt individuals between the ages of 25 and 40. Usually have a master’s degree and a hot wife or girlfriend. They love $7.00 cups of coffee, European cars, designer clothing, outrageously expensive homes and watching the stock market 24/7.

They’ll have one or two kids that tend to be little versions of their parents – spoiled, loud and demand attention. Their wives never work and spend most of their time at the mall, at the spa, at Starbucks with other yuppie wives or banging the pool boy because they’re husbands are too busy making more money.
Yuppie - Oh dear, I can't fit the baby seat in the Porsche.
by glum68 August 12, 2008
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