114 definitions by geoff

A 73 year old man who hangs around 16 year old boys. (abbrevaition for old cunt)
Geoff was being such an O.C. last night, he didnt buy us a slab
by geoff June 1, 2003
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Mysterious internet user originating in the obscure PC Dev II chatroom of AOL circa 1997. Exhibits extreme antisocial behavior with bouts of suicide. Delusions of meglomania only reinforced by his insane computer skills.

Popularized the smiley face ":|", ";(", along with the meme "lol@u"

Also known as: reverend ine, drunkard ine (and others).
"inedag IM'd another girl today pretending to be a 20 year old college freshman"

"we call indecent exposure charges near a grade school 'inedags' in SoCal"
by geoff March 19, 2004
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A refrence to a hot piece of ass. Or a gang memeber who is in need of some love by a homosexual motor bike extremist.
"HA, i found you. You'll be a nice catch of fresh meat."
by geoff March 28, 2003
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One who pleasures himself from the use of holes in a feild and/or grassy knoll.
My god! Ground Hog Day already???
by geoff March 14, 2003
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Douchebag; turdwanker; buffoon
"Geez, you're such a metallicaeg
by geoff March 28, 2005
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N. Turdwanker; buffoon; douchebag. See also: metrosexual

V. To boink
"Geez, you're such a metallicaeg"
"Yeah well your MOM is a metallicaeg!"
"Speaking of moms, I metallicaeged your mom last night!"
by geoff March 28, 2005
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