1 definition by gcbfan55

A place to get comfortable jeans.
Their shirts are ugly, unoriginal
and a cheaper way of advertisement
for the company. They have some cool
accessories. A little more creative than
hollister and abecrombie and fitch.
But, only creative if you make it that
way. Most who shop there are just out
to get a logo. They walk in to buy a polo
and track pants that MUST say american eagle
across the butt. These days originality is
gone, which is a shame because being original
is respected and any educated person would know
Girl 1 : Hang on, we have to go to american eagle outfitters and get some cool clothes for this weekend.

Girl 2 : hey heres a cool jacket !

Girl 1 : Yeahhh, but it doesnt say american eagle. I like this polo with the little eagle with these AWESOME pants that say american eagle ! ahh ! its so cute !

by gcbfan55 September 4, 2005
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