4 definitions by ethansawsome2002

When someone eats a ton of food and their stomach expands
Scott had finished thanksgiving dinner with his dad.
He leaned back and bleached loudly before running his bloated stomach

stuffed food baby
by ethansawsome2002 June 15, 2016
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To eat more then is needed and to
Produce a massive stomach
Lewis and Sam had just finished a massive 4 course meal and were leaning back in their chairs, belts undone and buldging stomachs pushe outwards.
Lewis let out a loud bleach and rubbed his massive stuffed gut
gluttoney food baby
by ethansawsome2002 June 13, 2016
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When someone has eaten lodes of food and their stomach looks pregnant
Lewie, Sam and Shane walked out of the buffet rubbing their bloated stomachs.
'I'm so full' Lewie groaned before burping
'Me too- but I ate the most' Shane said rubbing his buldging stomach 'I'm so *buurp* food stuffed'
food baby stuffed bloated
by ethansawsome2002 July 11, 2016
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When someone eats a large amount of food causing them to look pregnant
Aaron had just finished his 5 course meal At the hotel. He leaned back and belched loudly rubbing his food baby
Hey can I have another pizza? He asked the waiter next to him
by ethansawsome2002 June 13, 2016
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