23 definitions by elvis

a group of adolescent males who like to talk improper english and tap themselves vigorously in the chest whilst looking mean and moody. also all have plastic bedsheets
look at wee sid, he's so blazin squad
by elvis January 29, 2004
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fuck it real hard right up the ass like a raging homo with a viagra induced hard on
jam your erect pogo stick deep in the butt mud of pc'ers asses....HARD!
by elvis April 25, 2005
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"richard you dime bar"

(to the person who wrote the first definition-steve dave- either you are a mallrats fan or have a class name which is it?)
by elvis July 14, 2003
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to waste ones time while being productive.
where's joe? man, he's in there trying to jogatize with that dude.
by elvis September 5, 2003
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Denna usla neger jävel duger bara till att pricka golv / vägg / tak, han duger inte ens till att hoppa ordentligt... därför e voiden hans bästa polare som ger honom daglig avsugning...
Ibland prickar han faktist nåt annat än väggar osv, det e sina Team kamrater, skjuter dom oftast med mening pga ilskan som tynger honom innombords ( pga hans afrikanska mamma brände bullarna han skulle ha till Björnes magasin )
by elvis August 26, 2003
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Man, move ovaand get outta my way before I gottapull these Hush Puppies out your motherfuckin' ass.
ex. "Don't eat that last cupcake hooch"
by elvis October 22, 2004
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