4 definitions by elroy

A condition which effects the mind of the insignificant leading to delusions of greatness or over stated importance.
"That guy has gone all buzzmoo - we should restrain him until help arrives"
by elroy March 29, 2003
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From Friday After Next, it means to strike somebody with a baseball bat from behind.
Uncle Elroy finds Craig and DeDe tokin behind the shack and threatens to "Barry Bonds yo black ass"
by elroy May 12, 2006
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An English phenonemon, lads hang around in packs, drink heavily, watch soccer and attempt to kill each other afterwards, enjoy pictures of bare naked laydeez while singing inane and tuneless songs all too loudly, such as...
Oh we are the lads, we are the lads, we are, we are, we are the lads!
by elroy June 8, 2003
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A piece of art created specifically for wordAngFest/word... a celebration of all things AngurisNeo.
Mike Gibson: How's your angsterpiece coming along?
Bethany Young: Pretty good, but I've been slacking off this AngFest...
by elroy September 4, 2003
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