15 definitions by duggie

"a husband and a wife form a union". Usually seen on yokel t-shirts.
by duggie October 28, 2003
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A ghost who has been a pirate since his or her living days.
Eeeagh! Ghost pirates!
by duggie October 26, 2003
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A Pooballer is a sucky pitcher in baseball for the opposing team that is either throwing really slow or just sucks dick. Striking out against a Pooballer will result in uncontrollable laughter and humiliation.
Kole: Hey Tyler!
Tyler: What man?
Kole: How did you strike out against this pooballer dude..?
Tyler: Shut up man he got me off balance..
Kole: Haha you suck dick, faggot.
by duggie May 27, 2013
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nippy cash

Nippy cash isn’t the best wing back in Ireland. He busts up glen knackers for fun.
Hogie says nippy cash doesn’t pass.

Nippy cash says Alri bud we get it bai.

Sausage:Who is nippy cash?
Man like Dugga:Nippy cash is a wing back and will bust your gob watch it ked.
Sausage:sorry bai

Nippy cash: that’s something nippy cash would do
Nippy cash is in the best position what do you mean I bet you ask.Its just a fact he is in the best position
by duggie February 1, 2019
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slang for George W. Bush combining two previous nicknames, Shrub and Dubya.
Thanks to Shrubya, hoovervilles are now all the rage.
by duggie October 26, 2003
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Their '60s singles have a kinetic, frenzied power that the louder, harder AOR cuts simply couldn't touch.
by duggie November 27, 2003
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