4 definitions by drunkengoat

The pen name of Bill Simmons, a regular columnist in the Page 2 section of ESPN: the Magazine and also the network's website. Simmons is a die-hard Boston fan of every sport and now feels his life is complete since the Red Sox won a World Series in his lifetime.
You can find the Sports Guy on Page 2., which is probably more like Page 8, but that's how they named the section of the magazine.
by drunkengoat April 11, 2005
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Simply an alternate pronounciation of the Christian Son of Man Jesus Christ, popularized by a misguided Homer Simpson when forcecd to volunteer for foreign missions. Also this can be used by pseudo-Christians to comply with the third commandment.
Homer: But I don't know geebus!
by drunkengoat April 11, 2005
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Characterizes an individual who follows the beliefs of the Christian church but fails to apply them in his/her daily actions. Primary philosophy? "I can get right with the Lord on Sunday."
A pseudo-Christian believes in staying celibate, but apparently oral sex does not fall in to this category, since there is no chance of pregnancy.
by drunkengoat April 11, 2005
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In message board lingo, this term is used to describe a poster (user) who is 'late' in a response to a certain topic, primarily in reference to the ever-popular "Person Above You" thread, where there is a possibility that numerous users are posting simultaneously.
whiskybear is pregnant.
by drunkengoat April 11, 2005
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