5 definitions by dorkalicious

in england it's a pet name fer a lover. i have a duckie n he quacks.
i <3 duckie. duckie has a quacky.
by dorkalicious December 3, 2004
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a girl named toni-marie is known as toni, but to us she's tonah <3
by dorkalicious December 3, 2004
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sexxy ass turk <3 also a massive stoner ;)
omg look at omer i can just eat that turkey
dude that z totally owned
by dorkalicious December 3, 2004
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amanda, who happens to be a dork, hence mandork. this occurs due to the blond amanda not listening to when her name is called, however, responds to mandork. =\
"amanda. amanda. aaaamanda. AMANDA! MANDORK!
by dorkalicious December 3, 2004
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a sexy dork. yesm. its a word tonah uses to make up fer mandork ;)
me: im so dorkalicious
by dorkalicious December 3, 2004
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