1 definition by dirtymac1337

Ok, firstly, those of you denying the Armenian genocide, I think you should shut up and take a minute to pull your heads out of your asses. If you can't do that, then at least take your bigotry elsewhere, somplace where your small minded stupidity is welcome. Secondly, to the person who compared the Armenian genocide to the Holocaust, I'm afraid you're mistaken if you think they're comparable. Somewhere between 800'000 to 1.5 million Armenians were killed during the genocide which took place between 1915 and 1918. This simply can not compare to the staggering 11 million Jews, blacks and homosexuals who were slaughtered in the Holocaust which took place between 1933 and 1945. Don't get me wrong, I've lobied for U.S. recognition of the Armenian genocide, as I believe it is an insult to the lives that were lost to let it go unrecognized. Like System says, "Recognition, Restoration, Reparation." But to compare the two tragedies is like trying to compare a man who was stabbed to death to man who was sodomized and then decapitated. There really is no comparison. Anyway, Armenia is a place that has contributed greatly to the culture of America, in the fields of both music, and art.
Dude1: The Armenian genocide never happened, they're all full of shit.

Dude2:Tell that to John.

Dude1: Who?

Dude2: The Armenian kid who's got his grandparents journals from the early 1900s. You know, the ones that describe how the Seljuks fucked them over.

by dirtymac1337 September 4, 2006
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