9 definitions by deathilic

Dude1: Hey dude, I was dumped by my girl friend for adding weed to her cigs without her knowing it, later she found out I did it.

Dude 2: LeL!
by deathilic July 2, 2005
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Nothing Special, used when you don't want to say alot to describe how you feel at the moment.
Dude1: Hey man how are you doing?
Dude2: ns, u?
by deathilic March 19, 2006
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Looking For More,
Frequently used in MMORPG'S Like World of Warcraft
LFM people to aid us in a quest
by deathilic February 18, 2005
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All in one,
Could be used to describe various software that is bundled in one package but could also be used for alot more other things.
Dude1: this package got a AIO bundle, so we don't need to buy the rest of the software separetly
by deathilic November 21, 2005
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Text to Speech, that comes from the abbreviated form TTS.
Text to Speech is used to artificially produce human speech through computerized means.

Text to speech converts written language in to speech.
- Examples of TTS is found through online media and applications, such media might be e-mail clients, online dictionaries such as google translate and add-ons/plugins as found in web browsers.
- It can also be found in live streaming, where one might donate money to a live streamer and type a text which in turn a computerized voice reads the text real time on stream. One such application is Streamlabs.
- Smartphones
- eBooks
- Operating Systems
- Speech Synthesis Chips
- Sound Reproduction software such as Adobe Voco and WaveNet which, the latter uses deep neural network to artificially simulate voices
by deathilic March 3, 2018
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Other words for got too or go too.
Dude1: hey dude I g2 (got too) eat
Dude2: yeah sure, I g2 (go too) to bed soon
by deathilic April 25, 2005
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Done it, it can also be dunnit or donit, donnit
Dude 1: This is my first time I smoke weed!
Dude 2: I've dunit already
by deathilic October 5, 2005
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