28 definitions by daz

to bang an old birds nips/tits whilst using an up and down motion with da hand e.g ali g's booyakasha
o my god that mans banging in street!
by daz May 14, 2003
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To own something small and slighly pathetic.
You should have seen that porno, he was talking the talking and walking the walk, but as soon as he whipped out his Crunné on it was Mansarino, she didn't know whether to stick a cocktail stick through it or suck it.

My car is Mansarino, it broke down 8 times on the way to Andorra.
by daz September 22, 2004
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The combination of God the word and God the footballing genius that is Gianfranco Zola....
by daz April 21, 2005
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You scummer
by daz April 2, 2004
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To be obviously mad and very crazy. Especially in public places. To be sane challenged.
The tramp just ran at me screaming with his guitar in one hand and half bottle of white lightening in the other, I just stood there petrefied, however once he had reached me he simply leant across and asked me for 5 pence. He was, for sure Spippy Kwazz.
by daz September 19, 2004
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To mean women's breasts, from the term Tunnocks Tea Cakes.
Have you see the size of her Tunnocks?! She's got nipples like small pancakes.

With Tunnock's like that she's gonna get a long way in this here porn industry.

When she took off her top she had no Tunnocks at all? I've got bigger tunnocks than she has!
by daz September 22, 2004
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A movie bible to all young chavs on their future lives, violence and drugs. Follows the lifes of football hooligans covered in yes, you guessed it, Burberry and shit Parka's.

Film that has more swearing that a series of the Osbournes.
White Boy Jemal: "Hey Bruv! Did ya watch The Football Factory"

Dave: Yeah course, innit, bruv, its safe.

White Boy Jemal: Fuckin top notch weren't it

Dave: Fuck yeah bitch, I'll fuckin kick your head you muggy little cunt.

White Boy Jemal: Fuck that for a laugh.
by daz January 24, 2005
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