2 definitions by das_it_mane

A disease that 97% of the human race apparently has and only 2% can spell it correctly.

It's the fear of holes.
Idiot 1: "i have trypohfobiya"
Idiot 2: "ogm me 2"
Me: "You fucktards, it's called trypophobia and you don't even have it."
by das_it_mane February 11, 2016
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1. Slang for a penis.
2. A mean, aggravating, or otherwise just disliked person.
3. Short for "Richard." Rick is preferred nowadays as most people don't like being called an aggravating penis.
4. Something that gets stuck in the fan
1. I suck massive dick.
2. I'm a dick.
3. My name is Dick.
4. My dick got stuck in the fan.
by das_it_mane February 29, 2016
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