12 definitions by danbrown4life

Poor Mason... he was dismembered and now he can't ever have sex again!!!
by danbrown4life February 24, 2008
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the ability to be dabbed.
Salt is very dabbable with a wet cloth.
by danbrown4life February 2, 2008
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a contest to see who can giggle the most
After Mason challenged me to the giggle fight, I already knew i would win.

by danbrown4life January 28, 2008
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If you fuck apple pies, you have a sense of pastriotism.
by danbrown4life February 9, 2008
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pronounced: grow-tess-ka-teez

things that disturb you, scare you, or just make you queezy at the stomach.

Things that are grotesque.
Mason can't watch horror movies because he is easily frightened by the grotesquities.
by danbrown4life February 9, 2008
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to have phone sex with someone against their will.

kind of like verbal rape, only over a telephone.
Mason's girlfriend dumped him because he tele-raped her.
by danbrown4life February 24, 2008
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cancer of the left buttcheek
sometimes abbreviated LBCC
"I can't go to school today. I have left buttcheek cancer."
by danbrown4life January 28, 2008
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