3 definitions by counciltuckyresident

When you go to your underage Girls house expecting sex, but the cops are there and join in!
I had a counciltucky surprise party last nigh! Looks like im not going to prison!
by counciltuckyresident January 11, 2019
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while living in council bluffs, it is the act of a police officer searching your meth mobile and seizing your meth and other crackhead drugs
Yo dude! Deaquan just got a counciltucky car wash! Now he's in jail.
by counciltuckyresident January 11, 2019
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When you go down your street and black people are in a kitty pool so you whip out your dick and cum in the pool.
I did a counciltucky drive-by today, now they wanna kill me!
by counciltuckyresident January 15, 2019
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