33 definitions by cool4dude

One who uses emotes or "emoticons," extensively in online speach. It is often to a ridiculous degree, to the point where they make more faces than words.
Allison was being an emoteahobag in the chatroom, so we had to kick her out.
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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A word for countries which are considered to be third world, or merely subpar. This specific term is used generally for countries around the middle east with names which are unfamiliar and/or hard to pronounce.
I asked Sally what country we were bombing, and she shrugged and said, "Crapmanistan."
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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A hardcore dancer is a person usually in their teens who has immense quantities of angst due to listening to hardcore and emo music.

These teens will go to concerts wearing tight pants, and tight jeans. Instead of the usual mosh pit, they will take play in hardcore dancing. This consists of swining their arms and legs around in a random fashion attempting to look they like are fighting invisiable enemies all around them.

Hardcore dancers are known to look like idiots, but seem to not care.
Chad demanded that everyone in the mosh pit beat up all hardcore dancers.
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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Blindly following the leadership of George W. Bush.
He had so much patrioticism that he didn't even care if he died during the next war.
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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A frozen wasteland full mounties and polar bears where people walk around drunkenly saying "eh?" Canucksylvania is the native land to canucks and hosers.
Steve informed his friends that the citizens of Canuckslyvania are all drunken idiots.
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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Similiar to a mosh pit, a robot pit has many people dancing "the robot" in close together so that while doing so they bump into eachother in a clunky robot fashion.
The band Lament of Aporia was so awesome, that the crowd decided to start a robot pit.
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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A person often considered to be a putz that works at McDonalds.
That McPutz forgot to give me fries.
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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