12 definitions by chad'srockergrrrll

Sudden Infantile Dumbass Syndrome. Occurs when an adult baby is placed in time out and loses a toy and he tries to get it unsuccessfully, and he gets hurt or dies because of it
When Barnaby was placed in time out, he discovered that he had lost his teddy bear. As he reached out of his adult-sized crib to get it, the crib closed on his neck crushing it. He had died suddenly of SIDS. He should have waited for his wife to come back after he had cooled off from his tantrum.
by chad'srockergrrrll October 20, 2010
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a person who stays inside all day when there is a snowstorm outside because their hypocritical house staff says it's too dangerous to go out in the community yet the staff has to come to work in the slop, even though they have other family members that may not work in the education field that have to go to work in it
My roommates are cream puffs. They think that they have to stay at home all day because of a stupid snowstorm. I tell them to be rebels, but they think it's too dangerous to go out there. I have gone out in snowstorms before I moved into my current house, and I returned home alive.
by chad'srockergrrrll April 1, 2011
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To have your father and brother rape you as a child and try to use that as justification when your daughter or son winds up murdered
There are lots of people that were molested as children that don't kill their children, and the ones that kill kill the people that molested them. If their children wind up dead, they usually don't Casey Anthony the fact that the children wound up dead either by their molesters or otherwise.
by chad'srockergrrrll August 26, 2011
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to try to justify criminal actions if the defendant had a rough childhood
Everyone in the Casey Anthony murder trial forgot to use the sexual abuse smokescreen that her defense brought up, and that's why she was acquitted of murder.
by chad'srockergrrrll September 5, 2011
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Darren was stunned when he saw the wolves playing, and after he heard that vampires are sterile.
by chad'srockergrrrll September 6, 2015
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1) Chad Kroeger says that Blackwater, his custom-built Les Paul guitar, has a ghost Piezo pickup that makes it sound like an acoustic guitar, and there are parts that he uses when they get into the rockier songs.

2) While I came up with some clever names for Chad's guitar, (my names didn't have the words "black" or "dark" in the titles), Blackwater received the most votes.
by chad'srockergrrrll November 5, 2010
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A circus that displays people with abnormal or unusual oddities. Examples of such people include bearded women, Siamese twins, or in the case of The Saga of Darren Shan, a woman who can bite through steel, a man with two bellies, a vampire and his spider, a snake boy, a man who is afraid of the ground, a monkey girl, et al. Legal back before television was invented.
A freak show back in those times had evil con men rounding up people who had physical deformities, putting them in cages, paying the public to stare at them and forcing them to perform insane tricks that could hurt or kill normal people who imitated them. The people who saw these freak shows were just as disturbed as the people who ran them. These shows are now illegal because of the abusive nature, and the discrimination these performers faced because the public were conned into thinking that they were freaks, which meant that they were misunderstood by those who realized that they were entirely normal and that the real freaks were the people who ran these human circuses. Although there are exceptions like American Horror Story: Freak Show, and Cirque du Freak where there would be actual freaks running the shows, these were in the minority. Today, there might be shows like this which we call reality television, which displays people like Abby and Brittany, who would have qualified to be in a freak show if they were around when those things were legal. They are scary depending on the acts that are performing.
by chad'srockergrrrll April 6, 2015
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