5 definitions by ceramic_smoothie

Where rich people shop to look like poor people.
person 1: hey, why don't we check out urban outfitters? it's really trendy.

person 2: No way man. Every one who shops at Urban Outfitters is a poser. They're trying to look like a hippie but they're not at all. Real hippies dont have the money for this overpriced garbage.
by ceramic_smoothie May 13, 2009
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A chain of bulk food stores in Canada.
Easy to steal copious amount of junk food from your local Bulk Barn.
Emma: "I'm so fuckin' hungry, but I have noooo money to buy food!"
Hannah: "Dude, we'll go to Bulk Barn, shove a bunch of candy in our bags and eat that!"
Emma: "Champion idea! They never catch you there!"
by ceramic_smoothie June 16, 2009
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A very enthusiastic way to say "Deal".
A term of agreement.
Usually used by really annoying people.
Jeremy: "I'm busy this afternoon... But we'll hang out tomorrow, OK?"
Steven: "Deal sauce!"
by ceramic_smoothie June 17, 2009
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Nickname for the Salvation Army, which is a thrift store.
Natalie: "Hey, wanna go to the Sally Ann?"
Josie: "What are you talking about? Sally's second name isn't Ann..."
Natalie: "No, you moron! The Salvation Army!"
by ceramic_smoothie June 17, 2009
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Fucking around.

Does not mean sleeping around and being rpomiscuous. FA referes to someone who is behaving like an idiot.
M: What the hell is Paul doing?
G: He's FA, man.
by ceramic_smoothie May 14, 2009
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