1 definition by captaaaaaaaaain

Azeem Haider is the literal definition of perfection, in every aspect. He is cute, smart, beautiful, caring, loving, he makes you laugh and love everything. His favourite colour is blue. His favourite club is Manchester United, he also taught you a lot about football. Football makes him really happy, and he loves it more than anything. His comfort movies are lala land and marriage story. He is always there for when you feel sad or low, and he doesn't give up on you no matter what. He understands you and knows you and still chooses to stay with you. He makes you want to be a better person and do all the things you've wanted to, he motivates you to be a better version of yourself and helps you grow. Being with Azeem is the best feeling anyone could ever get, he makes you feel like everything will be okay, like all the bad things don't matter and whats left is only good. You will often find yourself questioning as to what you did to ever deserve a person like that in your life, but at the same time you're so grateful he's there and wouldn't want him to ever leave. He makes you feel very safe and protective. He puts up with you no matter what, and puts his effort into you. He is very thoughtful with his actions, he remembers little things about you and makes you happy with them. He is your safe-haven. Even though you consider yourself to be very emotionally independent, if there is one person you know you can depend on, the one person you WANT to depend on; its Azeem.
I feel like the only good thing about my life is that I have Azeem in it.
I'm so grateful I have Azeem in my life, he makes everything so much better.
by captaaaaaaaaain November 22, 2021
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