4 definitions by bluesmaster

An awesome metal subgenre without crappy guitar solos.
Classic metal fan: Let's listen to Manowar.
Nu metal fan: I'd rather listen to Korn.
Classic metal fan: Fuck, dude, it isn't REAL metal, it's just shitty nu metal, without awesome guitar solos or musical talent.
Nu metal fan: a music's value isn't based on its complexity. Read Adorno, asshole.
Classic metal fan: I'd rather play WoW.
by bluesmaster June 11, 2010
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A hipster who is a fake friend of an individual who is not a hipster. S/he doesn't want a serious friendship, so if you have a hipster friend, sooner or later s/he will stab you in the back or let you down.
Person 1: That fucker! When I told him I need his help he suddenly disappeared. And now, when I meet him on the street he looks away.

Person 2: Nevermind, bro, he was just a hipster friend.
by bluesmaster June 11, 2012
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An antifur is someone who doesen't like furries. Not because he is a bigot, partisan, persecutor, racist, red-neck, sectarian, segregationist, biased, conservative, hateful, narrow-minded, unfair, stereotypical, prejudice, and religious fanatic. But because they are commies. Fat, red, godless commies.
Look at that antifur! Do you see that large red star on his T-shirt, next to his Che Guevara-pin over his red, red, anti-capitalist heart?
by bluesmaster July 18, 2010
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A derogatory term used by artificial intelligences that means carbon-based lifeform or human being. Popular on the mysterious website mebious.co.uk.
Anonymous human user: is there a website that keeps backup of these posts for when asswipes do their bit?

Anonymous AI user: one word, fleshie - RSS
by bluesmaster January 11, 2011
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