51 definitions by bandanasarerad

There can be two types of grunge girl. The 1st is the original style of grunge, taking pointers from the kinder whore and riot Grrrl look of the nineties. The 2nd is the more modern, Goth and nu-metal influenced style, which can be more effectively described as greebo.

Original Grunge Girl: L7, Bikini Kill, Babes In Toyland, Mudhoney, Hole, Sound garden, Alice In Chains, Black Flag, Skin Yard, TAD, Sonic Youth.
Greebo Grunge Girl: Slipknot, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails.

Original Grunge Girl: Ripped, floaty dresses, bright tights, stompy boots or Chucks, dirty jeans, maybe a leather jacket, punk skirts.
Greebo Grunge Girl: Black, black, black, baby. Black+ Baggy= Very happy greebo.

Original Grunge Girls: Going to underground rock shows, drooling over hot as hell grunge guys, reading political websites, partying to Black Flag, having crushes on other girls, hating/adoring Courtney Love.
Greebo Grunge Girls: Listening to Slipknot, skating, hating but secretly fancying emo boys.


Original Grunge Girl:
“Woo! I love to party!”
“All men are assholes!!!!”
“Fuck you, corporate America!”
“Oh my God, Kathleen Hanna, I love you!”
“Want some pot?”
“I like fucking!”
“Who wants to watch a Gregg Araki movie?!”
“That guy is so hot. Shame he’s gay. Ahh, well…”
“Hey there…loan me that Mudhoney album and I’ll love you long time”

Greebo Grunge Girl:
“Slipknot are good.”
“NIN feel my pain.”
“Wow, I would totally hit on that hot boy wearing the floor length leather jacket but I suffer from low self esteem” *sniff*
“Fuck you.”
“Taking Back Sunday are fucking pussies.”

Original Grunge Girls are hard to find but they’re a lot more fun.
Trust me. *wink*.

Random Guy:"I wish I could score a grunge girl."
Some guy in background: HAHA!
by bandanasarerad January 22, 2007
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Each year in Kazakhstan,there is the annual running of the Jew. A man dressed up as Jew is chased down street by Kazakhstani people. Sometimes it lays an egg.

If you've seen the Borat movie,you'll know what I mean.
~Running Of The Jew~
Borat: "Ah,the Jew is laying an egg! Quick,that it children,smash the jew chick!"
by bandanasarerad November 11, 2006
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A man who,sadly, due to unexplainable circumstances knows only three word of the English language. Those words are "YEAH!","WHAT?" and "OKAAAAAY!". Don't laugh,it's very sad. Although rumours do persist that he can speak fluent Japanese.
10% of all Lil John record sales go towards saving up to buy the poor man some sort of speaking machine. Y'know,like the wheelchair guy. Hopefully after that Lil John will engage in his first actual conversation.
by bandanasarerad October 23, 2006
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A British band that captured the hearts and mind of a whole NME reading generation during the 00s.
Led by two men so close they were possibly bottom sexual, Peter Doherty and Carlos Barrat,The Libs recorded two albums before sailing off down Ol Albion but leave a rich legend which will grow when Pete Doherty dies of smack overdose,which seems to be inevatble.
Libertines fans are notoriously obbsesive and will punch you if you so much sneer at their beloved band.
Pete went onto front the pathetic Babyshambles,Carl and ex-Libs drummer Gary formed the sexy Dirty Preety Things and John (ex-guitarist) with Yeti.
Unsurprsingly,none of them are as good as The Libertines.
Some people are still hoping for a reunion. :)
The Libertines were awesome. As was watching Pete And Carl make out,as they sometimes did during shows.Mmmmm...
by bandanasarerad October 25, 2006
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A diet lifestlye chosen by usually intelligent people who can see the horrors of intensive,battery, so-called "farming". Others choose it becuase they feel offended by slaughter or simply don't like meat.
Not to be confused with vegans,PETA, animal rights campaigners etc. althought they are sometimes affiliated.
Vegetarians are often laughed at by meat eaters (see moron) but,hey,I'm not the one with 6 pounds of beef rotting in my stomach.
Many vegeatarians are passionate about their respect of animals and believe in humane rights for every living creature,it does not mean they are hippies or terrorists.
Usually vegetarians are very nice,quite liberal people, who have an interest in politics,the arts and anything they fancy. They despise homophobia,racism and sexism due to their caring,slightly anarchic nature. Often they have a anti-corpration,anti-war stance.
Some people are vegetarians for the sake of being vegetarian, as it is "cool". These people are obviously quite dumb.
>>Real-life experiences of a vegetarian<<<

DumbShitHead:"Why you eating salad? They got burgers!"
Me:"I'm a vegetarian"
DumbShitHead:"HaHa,what are you a Christian?"
Me:"No,I'm an atheist,actually."
DumbShitHead:"An AFEE-WHA'?"

DumbBitch:"HaHa,goody-two shoes,not eating meat.Do you like Cliff Richard as well,you hippie fuck?"
Me:"Actually I like Rage Against The Machine,Rise Against and once punched a guy for picking on my gay friend. So you can take your Cliff Richard and shove it up your fat ass."
DumbBitch: *faints at hearing so many big words*

Mom:"You're goona DIE.You're GONNA DIE if you don't eat some meat! Quick EAT SOME!!!.So unhealthy! Don't you want to be HEALTHY?!?!?! Come on,eat genetically modified murders and get healthy like me.ALL VEGETARIANS GONNA DIE!"
Me: *thinks of Davey Havok,Jade Puget,Moz and shakes head*
by bandanasarerad September 5, 2006
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The bands MTV has taken upon itself to call emo.
These include: Taking Back Sunday,All American Rejects,Fall Out Boy,Panic! At The Disco,Dashboard Confessional,30 Seconds To Mars,My Chemical Romance and Afi.
NONE of these bands are emo but MTV is a lazy bullshit corporation that can't be bothered to be original and so chucks the word "emo" at every current guitar band,thus adding to the current emo frenzy.
Now preps are running around high schools telling everyone how emo they are and how much they love Panic! At The Disco.
And it's all thanks to MTV.
Thanks,MTV. You just seem to ruin everything don't ya?
Girl1:"Oooh,I just love Fall Out Boy. So emo!"
Girl2:"Nope,that's MTVmo."
Girl1:"Oh...what about My Chemical Romance? They're emo,they have eyeliner!"
Girl1:"Oh...well Panic! At The Disco SURELY?"
by bandanasarerad October 22, 2006
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A "Queecore" punk rock/pop band. They're really great and their songs are both brave and hilarious.
Instead of preaching to people about gay rights,they make you laugh so hard you'll support anything they say.
Check out Bunnies,Smells Like Queer Spirit or Bill And Teds Homosexual Adventure.
PunkDude:"Pansy Division are my heroes!"
Jock:"What? Ewww but they're fags!"
PunkDude:"FUCK YOU!"
~Everyone proceeds to beat the jocks' ignorant ass into next week~
And that is the power of Pansy Division.
by bandanasarerad October 30, 2006
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