51 definitions by bandanasarerad

Hilarious show where five gay guys help to turn around the life of a straight guy.
Unfortunatlwy this show also reinforces stereotypes. (IE:Gay men are all camp and stylish,straight men are all incompetent and dirty)
Still, it's near damn hysterical sometimes.
Even if you do feel guilty afterwards for being a tad homophobic.
Queer Eye For The Straight Guy
One of the queer guys: So do you like blondes?
The Straight Guy: Yeah.
One of the queer guys: how about with penises?
by bandanasarerad December 15, 2006
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What Cartman of South Park likes to shout when he is in the belief that he is Vietnamese Prostitute called Ming Lee.
"Sucky! sucky! five dolla!"
"Give me eight dollar socia-boy I love you long time"
"Ten dollar? Sucky sucky?!"
by bandanasarerad November 8, 2006
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1. A term used to descibe self-hatred.
2. Also a short lived 80s hardcore band. No,really!
by bandanasarerad October 23, 2006
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The first time I saw this bands' video (on MTV,coincidentally...),I truly,truly though they were a fake band.
Seriously,I though they were a rip on all these lame glam metal revitalists (Bullets And Octane anyone?),kind of a Spinal Tap for the emo generation.
But,no,they are a REAL band. Aww,man...a rip on themselves.
Good grief,how could anybody claim this band are anything but hilarious?
Watch their "Sease The Day" video for a laugh.
ME: "HaHA,I love Avenged Sevenfold,they're such a great comedy band."
RandomStranger:"Err...dude,they're a real band."
by bandanasarerad October 17, 2006
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Fucking Amazing Post-Hardcore/Goth Band From California.
They Have A Male/Female Vocals Thing Going On And It's Not Unusual To Hear A Violin Everyonce In A While.
They have described their sound as rock opera for goth or hardcore kids.
They Are Cooler Than You.
I Am Ghost:
We Are Always Searching
Lovers Requiem
by bandanasarerad November 10, 2006
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Lil' emo boy with a magic stick,which he waves around and says "Crucio!" alot.
This poor lil' emo boy,his parents are dead,his shmexy God Father Sirius is dead and to make things worse his best friend is a ginger.
By now you think he'd be a junkie with a bad crack habit but,curiously,he is still a straight lil emo boy who is yet to get laid.
Honestly Harry,do you want me to force feed you the viagra?
In conclusion,Harry Potter is a poor lil emo boy with an awful haircut and homosexual yearnings. The End.
~In cinema~
"Oh My God....mullet ville!"

Harry Potter is teh ghey,yo.
by bandanasarerad November 20, 2006
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To be both cute and emo.
"Gah,you're looking so cutemo right now!"

Conor Oberst is cutemo
by bandanasarerad November 15, 2006
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