617 definitions by andy

The only man to enter Parliament with honest intentions.
And they burn his effigy for it. When Palestinians burn effigies of Bush, the media call it "barbarism". It's not even as if Britain was a fucking democracy at the time!

Real lesson of Guy Fawkes: watch out for snitches.
by andy April 22, 2004
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An effective and/or morally worthy member of the feudal aristocracy.
Robin of Locksley was a good lord, but King John was a cunt.
by andy July 23, 2004
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Heroic TransFormer, a member of the original good faction in TransFormers Generation 1 and several subsequent series. (Known as Seibertons or Cybertrons in Japan, and renamed as Maximals for Beast Wars).

Most Autobots transform into cars and land-based vehicles. Diverse in personality, they are usually given "human" traits in their various depictions (fallible, open to error, with personality differences, etc.). Their political economy is based on generosity and on protecting others, especially the weak. As an army, they seem to have been set up solely to fight the Decepticons, who pre-existed them as a fighting force.

The Autobot insignia is a red head, which looks quite like the head of the Autobot Jazz. In the cartoons, Autobots always fire red laser bolts, distinguishable from the Decepticons' purple bolts.

The Autobots nearly always win, usually because of the Decepticons' arrogance and stupidity, despite their usual inferior starting position (itself pretty strange since Autobot toys and named characters have always outnumbered their Decepticon counterparts). This gives a "moral" dimension to TransFormers stories.

Initially led by Optimus Prime, a strong-willed and steadfast yet also self-questioning and insecure Autobot who transformed into a lorry cab. Later led by a number of characters including Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus and Fortress Maximus.

Eventually won the war on Earth (where both sides had crashed), apparently due to their cooperation with humans. Were attempting to re-take Cybertron (long a Decepticon preserve) when Unicron struck in Transformers: The Movie. Later took over and rejuvenated Cybertron in series 3 (and after, in Japan) of the cartoon, although in the comics, the war on Cybertron continues indefinitely. (One obscure comic strip in an annual depicts the Autobots eventually winning the war, only to start fighting one another over who was to rule the spoils... hardly in character for the Autobots, probably written by a Hobbesian).
"I will rip open Ultra Magnus, and every last Autobot, until the Matrix is destroyed!" (Galvatron, in Transformers: The Movie)
by andy April 19, 2004
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the act of applying the hot sauce of your choice onto the head of the penis then thrusting hot-sauced penis into vagina. ass is also acceptable.
man, that cajun sprocket burned my arse last night!
by andy February 10, 2005
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"Where's Joey?"
"He's been baitin' in his room for the last 2 hours."
by andy February 23, 2004
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It's even got my name, huh?
(To the moon.)
To the moon. (from "Catch me if you can")
by andy May 5, 2004
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This is an agressive sexual technique in which, after ejaculating in a girl's mouth, one karate chops her in the throat so that the ejaculatory fluids seep from the nose in a white stream, simulating the tusks of a walrus. The cough/gag-like sound that she will make also closely resembles the bark of the walrus.
Our relationship ended when I gave her "the Walrus".
by andy December 3, 2004
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