3 definitions by amyshort

Pronounced: jew-wiissh

A term for anyone who wishes that he/she were Jewish. A hanger-on at predominantly Jewish functions, like the Matzoh Ball events around the holidays; a gentile on J-Date.

Another term for Torah Whorah.
Is David tribe? No....Jewwish.
by amyshort February 11, 2006
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Pronounced: Kar-lahje

A car (re)constructed from parts of other cars. Typically has different colored doors, hood, and body.
My Honda might be old, but it's at least all in one piece. Check out that Pinto Carlage over there - nice work with the blue hood and rust-primer door on the otherwise green car, no?
by amyshort February 11, 2006
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Pronounced: tore-ah whore-ah

A term for anyone who wishes that he/she were Jewish. A hanger-on at predominantly Jewish functions, like the Matzoh Ball events around the holidays; a gentile on J-Date.

Another term for Jewwish.

Dave came up with this, not me.
Dude, I was at the Matzoh Ball and a group of Asians came in.
Really? Were they Jewish?
Nah....they were Torah Whorahs.
by amyshort February 11, 2006
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