30 definitions by adamisaspaz

1. When you are trying to have intercourse with a lady friend, and some other guy comes up and tickles your balls from behind.
by adamisaspaz March 5, 2003
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Nickname for a loose cannon RA who spazzes at every minor infraction of the rules.
Iron Mike wrote us up for sexual harassment for using the word "testicle."
by adamisaspaz March 5, 2003
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Extreme form of sketchy.
Sloppy J was so sketchtastic, it almost gave me a sketchgasm.
by adamisaspaz March 5, 2003
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A somewhat palatable combination of vodka, sugar, Kool-Aid, and fruit. Usually mixed to have a 20 percent alcohol content, allowing fly Yolandas to be quickly inebriated.
Let's mix up some jungle juice for the party tonight.
by adamisaspaz March 5, 2003
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A malt beverage that comes in a bottle with a bat silhouette on it. It is a bitch drink.
I don't like beer. Would you please pass me a Bacardi Silver?
by adamisaspaz March 5, 2003
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1. Sound characterized by high volume and intensity.
2. Producing sound of high volume and intensity.
3. Insistent.
4. Having extremely bright colors
5. Offensive in manner.
My subwoofer is so loud - it goes up to 11!

Paco's shirt is extremely loud; I didn't know that there are that many shades of orange!
by adamisaspaz March 5, 2003
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