4 definitions by adambenner

Tossing tricks

Simple, it means fucking. Also the name of a track by a Garfield themed Deathcore band called “Death By Monday”.
Guy: bro did you hear the story about the Boost employee that was tossing tricks with her manager?
Guy 2: nah man I didn’t.
by adambenner January 5, 2020
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The mental habit of saying "yolo" annoyingly after any situation faced in life, though it may be irrelevant to even say.
Friend: "Dude did you get your math homework don?"

Guy; "Lmao nope because yolo'

Friend: "Bro, I think you have yolovitis"

Guy: "swag"
by adambenner March 16, 2014
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Minimum McWage

The amount of money that a Mcdonalds employee most likely makes. Which is usually $7.25 an hour.
Dude, I wanted to buy a ring for my girlfriend for our one year anniversary... problem is that the ring is $2,500, and with my job making minimum McWage there's no way I can get it right now.
by adambenner October 1, 2013
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The Gonk

A beautiful song composed by Herbert Chappel that is originally from the movie "Dawn of the Dead" and is also now used in the "New Castle Ale" commercials.
duh dum dah dum da duh da dum da dum da dadadadadadum de dum the gonk
by adambenner September 30, 2013
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