24 definitions by ad-92129

1) one who subscribes to foolish economic principles such as trickle-down and voodoo economics, pyramids, ponzi schemes, fuzzy math, and similar financial snake-oils.
The economitards fail to see that great wealth for one means great poverty for many.
by ad-92129 September 14, 2011
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Classic retarblican. One who shamelessly embraces the deplorable doctrine of Donald trump.
Basket of trumplorables. One who shames another's physical traits is trumplorable.
by ad-92129 February 13, 2019
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1. Pernicious agent (salesperson) for the rich and powerful!
2. Similar in pronunciation and meaning as "lobbyist." However this spelling addresses the problem unforeseen by The Founders of the Constitution, that the legislative branch of the US government passes laws in the best interests of powerful lobbies instead of the people in the states and districts who elected them.
1.The lawybyist drove the Bush administration to address rampant telemarketing by creating a DO NOT CALL LIST, instead of an OK TO CALL LIST.
2. If special interest groups need to hire expensive agents, they're probably not 'selling' something to benefit the middle-class.
3. the lawbyist is most often employed by the plutocrat, which is why the rich get richer!
by ad-92129 January 31, 2011
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1. Utopia for stupid people; the idyllic place where stupid people live.
2. Where stupid people hope to go when they die.
Sarah may not be smart, but she is definitely qualified to be president of Stuptopia.
by ad-92129 April 8, 2011
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1) Derived from "fucking genius"
2) Primarily meant as a derogatory response to someone who has stated the obvious (duh!)
3) Proper reaction for anyone injured by doing something stupid like play real-life frogger (Darwinians).
4)Used to express genuine admiration for intelligence (seldom used).
The fingenius stuck his head in the tiger's mouth!
by ad-92129 November 14, 2011
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1.A retarded republican (GOP). 2. A dupe for a republican. 3. One who lacks the wealth to be an “actual” republican, yet supports the policies that victimize him. 4.conservatard 5. republitard6. one who lacks critical thought; drinks the "cool-ade'
“Only a retarblican actually would believe the corporately owned media is liberal.” “The middleclass woman who is a member of the republican party must be a retarblican because it was the conservatives who opposed women’s suffrage.”
by ad-92129 November 16, 2010
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1.Reference to the philosophy of self-indulgence, whether to deny or sate.
2.Statement of self-denial.
3.A description of the compelling desire for that from which one abstains.
4. For reasons of conditioning, faith, or pride, the human chooses to deny his instinctive responses to hunger, rage, lust, grief, fear, or even happiness, but suffers temptation as a result.
One should not deny his desires lest he scratch not itch want.
by ad-92129 March 10, 2011
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