31 definitions by Yoda

Switch the letters around and it spells out "ROYAL SEX". Coincidence? I think not..
Will dances on garbage, I mean...axylrose.
by Yoda April 27, 2003
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1. Noun: When an individual fails to respond to e-mail messages in a timely manner, thus "e-glecting" his/her friends.

2. Noun: To blatantly ignore others, specifically friends, family or significant others, who have emailed you and are expecting a response.

3. Noun: To pay little or no attention to emails; fail to heed emailed requests; disregard important electronic messages.

Tr. Verb: e-glected, e-glecting, e-glects
"Jim totally e-glected his family over the Christmas holidays."

"I feel totally e-glected by my friends back in Canada"

"Paul e-glects his girlfriend."
by Yoda November 22, 2004
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What they label a severely, socially inept "genius" to make them feel special.
Man, someone needs to tell that mensan to use deodorant!

Someone needs to teach that mensan some social skills... that way he can find a real chick and stop wacking his peepee to Internet porn!

Hey mensan, guessing on the majority of the questions on your IQ test, and getting them correct, does not make you a genius.
by Yoda September 30, 2003
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a long reknowned clan in starcraft for skill and decenscey, survived 2 and a half long years of wonderful times and finally died...
a moment of silence for the wonderful l)ark_ Empire clan :(.................
by Yoda March 31, 2004
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(v.) The act of being boring while talking about chlorophyll. (extremely hard) Only one known person to do it.

PS- YodaEatsHotDogs
PPSS- Ahh..
PPPSSS- *preaches and praises teh "Reveng of the Nerds"
by Yoda April 8, 2003
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Legacy Of Darkness

a clan in starcraft that has lived for less than a year an is still going strong. a takeoff from l)ark_Empire clan but has sense outlived it so far.
by Yoda March 31, 2004
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