13 definitions by Wingy

Often misunderstood as a bad thing because of bad coverage in the press, it is in fact very useful. To engineer something you need to map an organism's DNA and then discover which genes have which effect. Then map another organism's DNA and implant those genes where you want the desired effect. It can be performed while a creature or plant is in it's embrionic stage, if done after there would be far too many DNA strands to alter. It could be used to create plants that would grow all year round in any county such as deserts without rain or even in antarctica and if there is water there, thoretically Mars.
"Genetic Engineering is a bad thing. I don't know what I'm talking about. I am an idiot."
Prince Charles.
by Wingy January 3, 2006
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The centre layer of an Oreo Cookie left several years past it's sell by date. Depending on where stored you can end up with it smelling a bit like cheese.
"I just moved in and found some really old Oreos on top of the fridge, they stank of Oreo Cheese though!"
by Wingy July 4, 2006
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A drunkeness test that can be used on men, which is much cheaper than a breathaliser. All you need to do to judge how much he's had to drink is to get a girl with large boobs to ask him a question and then see how long it takes him to look up at her face and answer.

1 second is normal
2 seconds is about 3 pints
3 or more is hammered
"Dude, you look a bit drunk, I think I'd better drive."

"Nah, don't be stufid, I'm prefectly okydoke to, um, drive."

"No way man I'd better use the breastaliser on you. Michelle, get your ass over here!"
by Wingy August 1, 2006
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Usually meaning you are not confused about your sexuality, can be used as the ending to a sentence that you just realised made you sound a little homosexual.

From the Pub Landlord played by Al Murray in Time Gentlemen Please
"I was just curious, y'know, as to the mechanics of the whole business. What do they get up to? I was never confused!"
by Wingy May 11, 2006
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When a gang boss wants you dead he may send someone to bring you to his office. The floor will have a plastic sheet over it so that when he shoots you and your body slumps to the floor, no one has to go through the trouble of removing the blood from the floor.

Standing on Plastic has evolved into a general term for someone powerful wanting you dead.
"Oh man, Chavez went crazy when I told him on the phone that I screwed up the vault job! He invited me to his office, I reckon I'm standing on plastic!"
by Wingy July 11, 2006
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A phrase called out at closing time in a pub. A bell usually rings ten or fifteen minutes before to alert people that the bar is closing so that they can order more drinks. Then at closing the bell rings again and the bar person can say "Time gentlemen please!"

Also a TV show aired on Sky One starring Al Murray as the sad landlord of a london pub next to a chemical plant.
by Wingy May 15, 2006
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When someone asks you a simple question and for no reason at all you have to replay the question in your head, think about it for a second and then come up with the answer.

This can occur when you are either immersed in something else, or just so bored that your brain has decided to take a nap.

Often affects people on medication, alcohol or illegal drugs, but can happen to anyone.
"Dude, was it you that left the gerbil in the fridge?"

"Wha' . . . Ger'um'ah, yeah."

"What the hell have you been smoking? He's shaking like a head-knocker."

"Um . . . your stash. Sorry man got a little Brain Clog today."
by Wingy July 4, 2006
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