1 definition by Willis82

A guy from usually the Midwest or southeast. Wears cowboy boots, wore out baseball hat, blue jeans, and a t shirt. Has pride in his country and those who defend it. Respects his family and others in the community. Usually drives a 4x4 truck, generally a chevy, ford, or dodge. Usually not racist, but will crack a racist joke around his friends. Not to be confused with a hick or redneck, eventhough he can be considered them occasionally. Isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty when he is needed to work and also not afraid to defend his country at any given time. Laid back and relaxed but can get aggressive when someone offends his family, friends, beliefs, or girlfriend. He won't back down from a fight, but won't just go out and start one for no reason. He is usually respected by his community as being a hardworking and generous person. Not afraid to give the shirt off his back for anyone in need
Country boy's love God, family, and his country
by Willis82 July 21, 2014
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