3 definitions by WhyUwannaKnowMe?

A person who is very good and reliable. He can probably punch harder than anyone else in this world. He might have a crush but will stop having after a second. He is not ashamed of anything and is very courageous and brave. He calls his friends noobs if they aren't good at the game. Always be aware of him and don't get a punch from him. But very good and generous.
RAJ: Dude, you are such a noob at Fortnite.
SWASTIK(FRIEND): Stop making me cry. I know I am a bot.{crying}
by WhyUwannaKnowMe? June 2, 2019
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A bot who plays Fortnite. Really wants to play Fortnite but will lose. He always gets annoyed by Pro players, and at times he complains his mum.
(ProPerson): Dude, you are such a noob. You are the most trash guy I've ever seen. You suck at this videogame. Get out, idiot.
(Swastik): I know that I am a noob.{crying} Ok, I will stop playing. I am a bot.
by WhyUwannaKnowMe? June 3, 2019
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Alright. Lets start this ligit.
I did say about deBUNjana in the previous meaning, but now i'm not sure if it is 'DEBANJANA'. So everyone still wishes that DEBANJANA comes to Swasthick so HE GETS BANNED FROM FORTNITE(EVEN OTHER GAMES)...STILL CONFUSED?OK
then look it urself-'deBANjana'.Right?That works as well. SO GET BANNED SWASTHICK!
Ppl do say sayings such as- "The Man The Myth".But this is what SWASTHICK Deserves-"The Fat The F**k".

swastik: hey debanjana.

debanjana: get out or i'll contact EPIC AND OTHER COMPANIES TO GET YOU BANNED OK?
swasthick: But.....
debanjana:Shut up idiot.Little fat f**k.
swasthick:RIP my life
Raj(3rd person):You understood that now... ur life was RIP long ago.. dumbf**k.
ma'am: SOMETHING THAT U DONT DESERVE........................................................
by WhyUwannaKnowMe? July 10, 2019
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