4 definitions by Why the fuck should I tell you?

1)A stupid dumb person who posts alot of stupid things on forums, sometimes for attention (see attention whore)

2)Someone who spends alot of time online, then is stupid enough to meet up with the people he/she talks to.
"I wish s/he'd stop posting...what an e-tard."
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The lead singer of HIM, perfect in everyway. He has the voice of an angel. He can hypnotise using his songs and voicebox, and not forgetting those beautiful eyes of his. Every alternative girls dream man. He is the chav worlds Leonardo Dicaprio or some other random "hot" guy.
"This world is a cruel place and we're here, only to lose, so before life tears us apart let death bless me with you"
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The girl version of a dude...or a d00d if your feeling 1337.
"Yo dude!"
"Dude, I'm a dudette."
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When something annoys you without being a bummer. Like if I call my computer gay I don't mean it bums my modem.
"Chris was gay. But this computer is ghey."
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