1 definition by Whoever.You.Want.It.To.Be.

She is a free-spirited kid at heart. Has a beautiful mind, and is very loyal to the lord. Is quite forgiving, but when she gets mad, she gets MAD. On occasion can get very livid. But she will always love you, and be kind to you no matter what. She is a very lonely being, who needs and wants a companion to grow old with. She is stern when raising children. But doesn't get violent with them. Has been through a lot in life, but still keeps her chin up, and people are inspired by that. She is a little too selfless. She is fairly good at taking care of herself. Is always quite stressed with money, but can still have a good time. Family is the biggest value and priority in her life, being 2nd after God. Has very stong faith, and hope. She is very pretty, and has a little weight on her but not much. If you get to be lucky enough and have her, you will be so ungrateful, and wonder how you were able to be blessed with such a beautiful person. Cherish, and Love her, she will always be worth it.
Wow, She is such a Terrie
by Whoever.You.Want.It.To.Be. February 17, 2010
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