13 definitions by WhoaTimesTwo

The opposite of a wagnard. To be totally balls to the wall awesome. Usually a compliment reserved for a very special occasion, such as when someone saves your life or the dude at Dairy Queen gives you the most awesome non-melted-cheese cheeseburger you have ever experienced.
1. Dude you just saved my life, you are totally the drangaw!

2. OMG U R TEH AWESOME!!!111!!
by WhoaTimesTwo March 30, 2004
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When you just barely escape an area after some serious shiz goes down. Usually involves fleeing from incoming cops, or somebody's really strong mother.
My buddies and I lit fire to Mrs. Lindon's rose beds while she was home. I got my tail over the fence, but Rico and Hugh got sodomized by a mop handle.
by WhoaTimesTwo March 30, 2004
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1. This is used when saying holy crap just doesn't do the situation justice. When someone shouts "Holy crap on a stick!", the best thing to do is run quickly in the direction from which the shout came. Otherwise you might miss something totally once-in-a-lifetime-awesome.

2. A chunk of heavenly-blessed feces on a broken off tree branch. Grants wishes. Smites evil.
1. Jimmy rushed out of the men's room and shouted "Holy crap on a stick! Have you guys seen the mural of the nativity scene done in urine and soap in there?!!"

2. That old lady's staring at my boxers. Time to smite.
by WhoaTimesTwo March 30, 2004
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The children of a hillbilly farmer whose actual produce failed during the year. He takes them to fairs to enter into contests instead of actual food, though they don't taste nearly as well. They usually can succeed well if entered as yams or squash. Poor kids have to live with that for the rest of their lives.
Jim Bob: Mah corns dinn't grow so wyell tis yar, so I took my two gyurls Wynona and Edbert to the fair! Hyuck. They won the squarsh contest!
by WhoaTimesTwo March 30, 2004
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1. When the prostitutes in town get so overloaded with STDs that it becomes visible via fungus growth, and you are forced to migrate to another part of the city to find ones with a health rating of at least 23%.

2. When a straight person turns gay, or vice versa.
1. I'm gonna start plowing new ground around 4th street tonight man. Last night one of the regulars on 3rd blew up a car with her yeast infection.

2. Fred's hanging around the women's section in Kmart for a different reason since he's turned straight. He's plowing new ground now.
by WhoaTimesTwo March 30, 2004
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A drafting teacher at a particular high school. The baddest engineer mofo to ever walk the face of the earth. If you do something bad in his class, you get owned immediately, due to all the cameras watching your every move. He frequently calls people dude or man.

Verb: to duke; duked

Means to get owned by The Duke
Guy #1: So how was The Duke's class today?
Guy #2: Man, this guy was messing around with all the computers, and The Duke totally duked him out. Now he's banned from all computers in the school!
Guy #1: Boner...
by WhoaTimesTwo October 18, 2004
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One of several innocent-sounding responses which can be used by regular porn viewers when their parents/spouse(s) ask them what they're doing on the computer.
Mom: What're you doing?
Juan: Reading my email.
Mom: Oh cool. Can I read mine too?
Dad: Uh no honey, come back later...this is an important email. We'll be done in about an hour.
by WhoaTimesTwo March 30, 2004
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