26 definitions by Who The Douce Are You?

A sad, little boy who spends his Saturdays coming up with definitions to put on this site because everyone at school likes him but never invites him to do anything
Me, Book-TV, and anything else that is boring
by Who The Douce Are You? April 17, 2005
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Clothing for the "metrosexuals" (come on any guy that shops at Ambercrombie and Fitch has got to be keeping a secret) They consider themselves better than anyone else just because they think they look better, but really they look stuck up (which they actually are) They all hang out together.

Oh Yeah, The male models for Ambercrombie and Fitch are suppose to be "perfect" but I've seen at least 5 male models with crossed eyes, and they are suppose to be advertising Ambercrombie and Fitch clothes, but all they are doing it standing there
with their pants on (really low) with out a shirt on
Guy 1: I'm going to Ambercromie after achool, you guys want to come.

Guy 2: Hell No, f***ing sell out
by Who The Douce Are You? April 16, 2005
The Sunshine State, The Place where a bunch of children go to Disney World, and the state where it seems like every freaking child is being abducted and murdered by a sexual offender that just got released. The new place to plant your vegtabes (that's mean but it is a refence to Terri Schiavo, God Bless her family)
How Sunshine State can a state be if children are being abducted every other week? I'm never moving to Florida and having a family.
by Who The Douce Are You? April 16, 2005
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a person who hates on another for not being/being a certain race. A way to make someone feel inferior to another.
Assholes, arrongant jerks, mean pricks, sick bastards
by Who The Douce Are You? April 20, 2005
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