26 definitions by Who The Douce Are You?

a place that lies and says they will do one thing and doesn't. Don't be fooled by the name, that is what lures the the victims in. It is a place where the student council has no power, the teachers are all te same (except different accents) and you do something called "Tai Chi", it is dreadful
Kid : Hey look I got a notice from "High Tech High"

Dad: nope your not going

Kid: But Why?

Dad: No kid of mine is going to be labeled a nerd.
by Who The Douce Are You? April 15, 2005
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Guy 1: Have you seen my brain?

Guy 2: what? you lost your brain?

Guy 1: yeah, it is green and had buttons on it, oh yeah it say "Texas Instruments" on the front.

Guy 2: dude, that's a calculator

by Who The Douce Are You? April 12, 2005
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A "straight" man who is gay, with out all the the sex. Has pedicures and manicures, spends $500 at a hair salon and sit in a chair for 5 hours to have hsi hair shorten and styled, wear Ambercrombie and Fitch, wears Calvin Klein boxer briefs, shaves "down stairs", uses special face products, and smells good
Ryan Seacrest, justin timberlake, and every other young hot actor that can afford these things
by Who The Douce Are You? April 16, 2005
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Sexually prefers to be with a bus, or "do it" on a bus
Not funny enough to come up with an example for Metrosexual
by Who The Douce Are You? April 16, 2005
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A tool used to get what you want, when you want it
Ex. Celebrities

Celebrity: I told you I wanted my frappuccino with whipped cream; I don't pay you to sit around and do nothing.

Assistant: I'm sorry, I'll get the right one, and I just want it to be known that you don't pay me at all.

Celebrity: Did I ask for a moral, NO, so get me my FRAPPUCHINO
by Who The Douce Are You? April 14, 2005
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