2 definitions by Whatisthatmelody

Used to describe man of enormous stature and muscular build who also is proficient in carrying his team in difficult situations
Coluge fan: holy smokes did you see Coluge pop off on circuit royale??

Coluge fan: my goodness! Coluge's Winston is unmatched!
by Whatisthatmelody January 31, 2023
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An insecure man who relies on a girl too much and emotionally traps her. Usually threatens her with suicide if she has thoughts of leaving him. Claims he has anxiety when they are separated. In Reality the man just has no qualities that make women want to stay so he must pretend to be all vulnerable.

Can also be abbreviated as just sandwich
Girl 1: "Cmon let's go party"
Girl 2: "I'm sorry Ruben is such a sandwich nigga he says he gets anxious when I'm out partying"

Guy 1: "Yeah, I told her if she leaves me I'll kill myself so then she's forced to stay with me"

Guy 2: "Tarquin you're such a sandwich bro"
by Whatisthatmelody February 2, 2022
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