9 definitions by WarGoatForestWolf666

A genre originating in 80s England, now international. Defined by highly distorted guitars, and vocals, usually high-and-breathless or low in the mix, sometimes absent.

A psychedelic style, but not "trippy" psychedelic, more a dreamy, distant feel.

Pioneeered by My Bloody Valentine, but few bands actually sound like them anymore.

Loud guitars and quiet vocals is a usual dynamic.

Shoegaze is defined by a certain guitar sound, so electronic bands such as M83would NOT be considered shoegaze, but could fit into the related genre of dreampop
Shoegaze comes from the use of distortion pedals to achieve a dreamy/psychedelic sound
by WarGoatForestWolf666 April 13, 2010
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A US postpunk-revival band, that despite comparisons with the UK band Editors implying that they are a ripoff

-Interpol predates Editors by years
-both bands are indebted to Joy Division, so the ripoff accusations are irrelevant

They are known for Paul Banks' distinctive vocals.

also some police group but who gives a fuck about that, right?
Interpol sounds just like Editors? Yeah, well I bet Iron Maiden tribute groups sound like Iron Maiden, too
by WarGoatForestWolf666 April 11, 2010
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An early-mid 90s alt rock band out of Boston
yo, have you heard "Skull" by the Drop Nineteens?
by WarGoatForestWolf666 April 11, 2010
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A style of rock music defined by the band Joy Division and numerous imitators. Modern purveyors include Interpol and Editors, much malighned by media for their similar vocal sound.
Joy Division? yeah, that's a postpunk band I think
by WarGoatForestWolf666 April 11, 2010
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A catch-all term for the related genres of shoegaze and dreampop which avoids the contentious label shoegaze, which is rejected by many artists who fit the definition. It also avoids the contentious label shoegaze, which some use to refer ONLY to an 80s English rock scene, not modern American bands inspired by that scene.
Ceremony, Skywave, and A Place to Bury Strangers have all been inspired by shoegaze, but blissrock is a less contentious term.
by WarGoatForestWolf666 April 13, 2010
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A term used in the thrash metal community to refer to an excellent song, conducive to headbanging
Damn, "Kill on Command" by Vio-Lence is a real neck wrecker.
by WarGoatForestWolf666 March 28, 2010
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a late 90s shoegazing/postpunk band out of Philadelphia
Have you heard of Ceremony?
by WarGoatForestWolf666 April 11, 2010
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