15 definitions by VindictiveAngel

To sample every cock possible. A solution. To Leave no unturned.
Sge used to be married, but Heather has turned into a cock sampler since the divorce.
by VindictiveAngel December 24, 2022
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Any kind of meat, mostly wild animal, that is in a white wrapper. Uaually from a packing house. Mystery meat. You never know whats inside that white paper. Scary meat. Could be beef, deer, rabbit, opossum, neutra rat, moose, squirrel, etc. Imagine a freezer full of nothing but white wrapper meat. Do you dare?
Im just not hungry if all you have is white wrapper meat.
by VindictiveAngel January 13, 2023
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An battle between two or more females who use every shady and vindictive move possible, to win the heart and/or penis of the man they all desire. These females will do anything to get laid by this guy for nainly bragging rights stating she a ho. She the main ho.
Oh wow, lyle must be special because hes the center of the pussy wars.
by VindictiveAngel January 24, 2023
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To do something as extreme as possible. To go all the way out by trying to repair something, but to end up destroying it completely. To do whatever necessary to please someone, no matter the consequences. To leave people shaking their heads in disbelief.
My husband repaired that truck engine after it broke. Since it no longer works, im assuming he chose to do it lyle style.
by VindictiveAngel January 5, 2023
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The hairs on Blake's beautiful head. Luscious locks. Just enough to twist with your fingers and make him relaxed. It definitely looks like Hasselhoff hair.
by VindictiveAngel February 6, 2023
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A couple that is extremely toxic for each other. Both are Pisces and butt heads often. But no matter what happens to separate them, they always end up back together.
Lyle and rachel come in like a tornado every time they are together.
by VindictiveAngel January 5, 2023
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A man who shouldve been a rapper. Hes an asshole to everyone except the ones he admires. He rocks some awesome music and smokes good vapes. He will take your car whether you want him to or not, especially if you done wrecked it or fucked it up. but thats why he makes the big bucks. Cuz hes Dpayne.
Dpayne is my dog!
by VindictiveAngel January 13, 2023
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