13 definitions by Up4Ownage

Very small breasts. Cup size usually A or B.
Girl: Hey, wanna squeeze me?
Guy: Nice petits, but I think I'll go to Hooters instead.
by Up4Ownage March 1, 2010
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A mustache of leftover sauce or condiments, such as ketchup or steak sauce
Todd had a saucetache because he drowned his steak in sauce.
by Up4Ownage February 1, 2010
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A gayband that recently gained fame, mostly through Disney; especially popular with preteen-young adult females(surprisingly). Most girls that are self-proclaimed fans are usually legally insane, mentally retarded, or just a plain Cockhead.
Many disagree that all three are gay, but it's been recently proven that they are. The proof- Joe Jonas broke up with Miley Cyrus after finding out she is a female(legally anyway) and realizing that since Miley is a he, he couldn't have a gay foursome with her and his brothers.
Preteen Girl: Oh my goood! Did you see the Jonas Brothers on Hannah Montana?
Random Male: Hell no, the Gayass brothers suck. So does Ciley Myrus.
Preteen Girl: It's Miley Cyrus.
Random Male: Who gives a damn, they're all gay fucks that Disney dished out for the retards.
Preteen Girl: Whatever. I'm going.
Random Male: Yeah you better go back to the insane asylum or something cause you actually enjoy those Gayass Brothers and that Dingy Wig girl.
by Up4Ownage January 14, 2009
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n. - the area near and around the fly, the crotch area, where the genitalia are located.
by Up4Ownage January 25, 2010
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Ass Wipe can refer to several meanings:

1- The physical action of wiping your ass down

2-A cross between a human carpet, a kiss ass, a suckup, or any combination of the 3.
"That guy's such an ass wipe. He actually gives his teachers boxes of Ass Wipers. He even does the ass wiping!"
by Up4Ownage January 14, 2009
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While I was away for vacation, Jen went fuckwild, so I broke up with her.
by Up4Ownage February 17, 2010
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"BitchLink" can refer to multiple things.

1. A link that leads you to some error page shit saying that you've encountered some kind of FuckUp on your network when really, there isn't. Basically, a link that's being a bitch to you.

2. The error page that a BitchLink(1) may lead you to. It is a redirection to an error page if something goes wrong, or some NetShit causes you problems.
"Did you disable then enable your connection?"
"Um...DUH! That's why it's called a BitchLink you fuck-head! It's being an unfair snotty little brat who always tries to get guys to-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's skip the nasty stuff here. Maybe you should check in a few days."
"This bitch ain't gonna be easy."
by Up4Ownage February 23, 2009
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