8 definitions by Ucringeme

someone who is always mixing tobacco and weed and punching cones. They are often seen asking for a dart and cannot end a sentence without "but" or "bruh". generally found in glenferrie. dont come near these lads or they will stab you with their mix scissors, or a bong stem
lets stick to glen road dont want to run into those "mixboys".
by Ucringeme February 11, 2020
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A person who thinks ther cool but they are actually a f**ki*ng idiot
Dude stop being such an Oscar
by Ucringeme March 2, 2017
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When your laptop doesn't turn on because it is out of charge. you have no idea why it is not working and you go to an I.T worker to fix the problem. When you get there the I.T worker plugs your laptop to charge it turns on instantly....... FUCK
Christian: wtf is my laptop turning on.
.... 2 days later ...
Christian: so my computer for some reason hasn't been turning on.
(I.T worker puts cable into computer)
I.T Worker: you dumb shit!
Christian: indeed.
by Ucringeme June 7, 2017
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if you have a friend with this last name give him two bucks at lunch so he can get an icy-pole from the caff
oi give Andronis ya lunch money
by Ucringeme October 30, 2018
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When you can't stop dabbing and its just natural for you
he cant stop dabbing. He probably has a dab disorder
by Ucringeme March 3, 2017
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A really cringy thing youtubers do in there youtube videos which cringes the fuck out of most people
Hey guys welcome back to Barcelona Madrid UTD (youtube name) and today i will be doing an extremely overpowered Fifa Pack opening starting with this pack i actually spent 50 bucks on earlier today.
by Ucringeme March 2, 2017
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Someone who spends money on FIFA points so they can create youtube videos and they always use capital letters in their youtube video names.
why you spend so much money on FIFA you Fifapacker over 9000. the new games going to come out in a couple of days anyway.
by Ucringeme March 2, 2017
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