1 definition by Tyronian

A talented dancer, singer and humanitarian who is widely misunderstood due to his affection for children.
Often referred to as the Gloved One, or the King of Pop.
Has produced the best-selling album in the world, Thriller, as well as many hit singles. Known for his dance moves, including the Moonwalk.
Michael Jackson is seen to be either a pedophile by the ignorant, or a child trapped in a man's body by the psychological analyzers.
Sadly, Michael is now more well-known for his personal life rather than his extraordinary achievements in the entertainment business.
Common misconceptions include:
Michael hates his initial race, so he bleaches his skin.
Michael is a pedophile who likes to touch little boys.
Michael is now a woman.

All of these are simply the press taking advantage of a mega-celebrity. Michael has vitiligo, a disease that affects the pigmentation of one's skin and causes bright white spots to appear in random patches all over the body.
If one were to read the reliable information available regarding the molestation court case, one would realize that is wasn't even remotely possible for MJ to be guilty of the crimes which he was accused.
Michael Jackson also, despite what one might consider a feminine appearance, very much an amazing and talented man. He oozes a starry presence noticed by all around him.

Michael is a compassionate human being whose sincerity has been misinterpreted as inappropriate.

Goes to show our world is going to pot.
Sue: Have you seen Michael's performance at Moetown 25?

Jill: Yeah!!! It was awesome, everyone was singing and dancing along!

Loser: Eew, Michael Jackson?? What a fag!!

Sue and Jill: Get a life, you tabloid addict. Michael is where it's at.
by Tyronian January 9, 2008
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