42 definitions by Tsarstepan


noun, adjective, adverb
Slang. very distinct segment of a market; extremely or excessively obscure subgenre
Filmphile: I'm fascinated about chairs in movies and how filmmakers visually and symbolically them in films.
TV Geek: The Iron Throne in The Game of Thrones is my favorite!
Filmphile: Thrones are outside my purview of expertise! They're too aristocratic for my blood. I'm superniche into modern bourgeois chairs like the abstract seat that Woody Allen tried to sit on Sleeper.
by Tsarstepan August 26, 2016
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noun, Informal.

1. a special breed of talentless artists who are adept only at performance art rather than painting, drawing, sculpting, singing, playing musical instruments, composing music, textiles and costuming, etc.... You know. Legitimately making works of genuine art.

2. a person adept at swindling thousands (if not millions) of dollars from the academic and art worlds via self-marketing and bullshitting their potential wealthy (and culturally gullible) art patrons.

3. See also media whore.
Abramović's set up a temporary site installation of her pissing on a golden toilet reading the New York Post for 7 hours a day and getting paid in the six figures by the Koch Brothers? That bit of performance art is crap. Con-artists like here are the worst.
by Tsarstepan June 29, 2016
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{truhmp-ee-uh n} When an uneducated/undereducated opinion or baseless rumor is repeated enough over time that it become believed by a certain population set to be fact.
Donald Trump's dangerously racist obsession with President Barack Obama's citizenship status was wildly yet appropriately trumpian.
by Tsarstepan September 22, 2016
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((Seyt-ns guhm-drops))
1. Usually, Satan's gumdrops. The real name for Brussels sprouts. A plant, Brassica oleracea gemmifera, having small, cabbagelike heads or buds along the stalk, eaten as a vegetable.

2. Brussels sprouts. any of the heads or buds, eaten as a vegetable.

3. A vegetable side dish that induces vomiting, fear, pain, death, and bitter taste in ones mouth if ingested.
Susan: Why?! Why god?! Why do you hate me so?
Brittany: What are you going on about now?
Susan: The waiter brought me Satan's gumdrops with my half order of chicken! I specifically told him not to! I asked for ...
Brittany: Satan's gumdrops? ((urp)) Ugggh... just got a little bile in my mouth.
Susan: Let's split this joint. Any place that serves Brussel sprouts in lieu of edible food does not deserve our business.
by Tsarstepan December 11, 2010
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abbreviation: Oh my fucking Batman! (used to express surprise, alarm, etc. esp in emails, text messages, etc)

Also, omfb, omb.
Jeff Albertson @ComicBookGuy 5s #OMFB Jim Lee and Frank Miller are making cameo appearances on Gotham (2014) as well as The Big Bang Theory (2007)
by Tsarstepan April 2, 2015
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(kluhs-ter-fuhk-uh n)
A disaster stuffed inside a travesty wrapped in incompetence.

As seen on The Daily Show, 11/12/13.
Obama's Healthcare.gov recent buggy rollout was a clusterfucken.
by Tsarstepan November 13, 2013
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1. pseudonymity, symbolic imagery, and the expectation of an imminent cosmic cataclysm in which Gawd or Dog or god or the powers that be destroys the ruling powers of foodie evil and ultimately the entire world because of some monstrous #Frankesteinian food porn hybrid that was birthed into the world solely to grace #Millenials #Instagram accounts.

2. a great food porn disaster •an Instagram apocalypse
As I took a bite of the spaghetti donut from that unholy pop up restaurant at this year's Smorgasburg, I pondered the 2000+ calorie monster milkshakes that were the fad of this season and knew the foodiepocolypse will be coming soon to wipe the human species off the face of the Earth.
by Tsarstepan March 31, 2017
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