12 definitions by Tom Brownlee

A dodgy group consisting of a police man, a biker, a construction worker, a native american, a cowboy and an army guy. They sung YMCA and In The Navy. Possibly one or more homosexual members.
"Put on the Village People, so i can get down!" chezzuz!!!!!!
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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A clear orange ball, it is believed when 7 are brought together, each with a different number of stars inside, the gather will be granted one wish by the Eternal Dragon. The story of Dragonball (anime) is based on an old Story from China.
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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A person who tells blatant lies.
Arthur is a spoof, he said that the moon is made of chesse and pigs can fly.
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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abrevation of Verses it is mostly used in Fighting games
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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This is where you can see info on the internet, it consists of 90% porn, 5% shopping, 4.9% random crap and 0.1% useful info.

They can be found using various browsers such as "Internet Explorer" (Oh God!) or "Netscape Navigator" (It's even worse!). They are usually filled with pop-ups advertising stuff no one would ever buy, well have you ever bough something from a pop-up?
Check out this web site, there is a picture of some person on it!
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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