12 definitions by Tom Brownlee

Looking for food poisoning? Not Sick of places like Pizza Hut delivering the bug? The Visit.... McDonalds, guarenteed Illness with every order.

Now with Death For All The Family: not-so-happy Meals.
I.P. Freely
This is what
happens when
you eat at
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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An erection of the penile variety. Can i say erection on the internet?
Oi, cowboy from the village people! Did the leather man give you a hard on?
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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super hero who has a man body and a cat head. He wears pink spandex underwear and black velcro suiting.
Catman is Catman.
by Tom Brownlee July 31, 2003
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1. An amazing band.
2. A mysterious ball of light that followed WW2 US planes sometimes know as "Kraut Balls", they were attributed to Japan, but could be of extra-terrrestrial origin
1. Nate Mendel in the Foo Fighters is an amazing bassist
2. Aghh! There are foo fighters all around the plane. We are doomed!
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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A nasty person who is hated by the community but is old and so cannot be moved, people just wait for the persons death.
Mr. Smith just threatened me, he's a scuzz.
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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Something really band, usually a Northern Ireland Townie speak for terrible.
"My car dead."
"Fuckin' tragic mate."
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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In a similar style to ebay a place that sells you a load of crap for prices lower than that on the high street. However on amazon you can check your crdit card funds drifting nto nothingness. Thanks Amazon!
Amazon.com: Earth's Biggest Pile Of Junk
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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